Will the Deshaun Watson Decision Create a Legal Tsunami for the NFL?

The Deshaun Watson decision has opened up a can of worms for the NFL. Watson received an 11-game suspension after 24 women accursed him of misconduct, coercive, and lewd behavior during appointments at Houston massage parlors. But the controversy began with the decision from arbitration. Sue L. Robinson, the arbitrator, imposed a six-game suspension on embattled quarterback. But after the outcry from many fans who felt the punishment was not severe enough, the NFL changed the suspension to 11 games with a $5 million dollar fine.
The NFL appealed the arbitrator’s decision because, according to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, Watson committed sexual assault based on the league’s definition. In addition, Goodell pointed out Watson did not appear remorseful and his actions were predatory in a way that placed four of the women accusers in danger. But was this the right decision?

Initially, the NFL leaked their desire to impose a one-year suspension upon Watson, but realized a full suspension could result in further litigation. Additional litigation would bring more public relations issues and a greater financial cost to the NFL. Litigation is something the NFL does not need right now as it is dealing with various cases across the league. Furthermore, by punishing Watson for a year may open the door to review of previous personal conduct violations.
Over the last few years, legal cases have increased in the NFL and brought the league under scrutiny. Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, settled $2.4 million dollars with former Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders over workplace violations. Washington Commanders Dan Snyder had various violations that required Goodell to appear before Congress to testify of his indiscretions. And from the Snyder investigation, Jon Gruden’s insensitive emails and remarks were revealed, resulting in his exile from the league. Now, Gruden is contemplating his own lawsuit against the NFL. With Watson’s latest troubles bringing more light on the league, it is only a matter of time before the NFL is flooded with more legal angst than they can handle.